Our Kids

Our Kids

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Things I read LOL

So I was reading American Baby and there was these saying "You know you're 9 Months Pregnant when you "feel 300 pounds heavier than you are, compliments of your swollen feet" or "can fit only one person in your queen-size bed b/c of the mounds of pillows that cover it" or "drop something on the kitchen floor and stare at it, thinking, DO I REALLY NEED THAT??? LOL" or call your husband, and he picks up on the first ring" .... This goes on but i really love these that i put on there :) tell me if these are real b/c i do these already :) LOL


  1. i like the "do I really need that". However I never had to experience swollen feet and I only had one extra pillow in my bed during pregnancy.
    And if you experience these now...you poor thing...when 9 months come rolling along!!! And you want how many kids:)?

  2. the swollen feet comes and goes it comes on sundays when i am not moving as much and the pillows i have a boby pillow that is helping my back so much but ya maybe its just the first one too all pregnantcy are diff. right LOL
